Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's Not Neglect!

This post will be a short one, as I've taken to the "real world" by working the daily grind at a sort've fabulous marketing agency in West Hollywood (!!), thus leaving me with minimal time to devote to my beloved blog, aka my outlet of expression. Oh, blog, don't hate me so...

In the weeks since my last post, my home town, Los Angeles, has seen some great things. Por ejemplo, the Lakers put on another Lake Show and secured the 'ship. (For all of you who never saw "Hardball", that's the CHAMPionship.) My Lakers, my town! We won! I went positively ape. The irony was that though I'd religiously watched almost every game leading up to the nail-biter of Game 7, during Game 7 itself, I was actually in a car, driving through the mountains, en route to Vegas Wegas, hearing the play-by-play from none other than my dear mother, who, I'm sorry to report, is surely not as awesome an announcer as those on AM 710 (also known as "the radio station that loses service en route to Vegas." Hmph!).

Regardless, Mom's descriptions of the plays CRACKED me up:
"Lasol...has the ball....it's...it's...OH! WE SCORED! A basket! Go, Lasol!"

(Mom, bless your heart, but for the record, it's Gasol. Pau Gasol. GGGGGG.)

What else? Oh, our city was aflame with World Cup Fever. Viva! Viva! The beauty of living in LA is its diversity, so when worldwide events like the Cup occur, our eclectic, beautiful, colorful, mish-mash of people come out and show their pride. While driving to the mall when Mexico lost to Argentina (womp), I was so pleased to see Mexican flags billowing atop many a Ford Explorer. All of this, of course, was the day after USA lost to Ghana (blast!), whence I saw die-hard Americans with their faces painted, robed entirely, and solely, in our flag (LOL, could that be considered defamation? I mean, it's a case-by-case basis, but still...)

I had a fun time in the Third Street Promenade pub cheering our team on to...defeat...in a fraternity-like setting (because who DOESN'T enjoy getting beer sloshed all over her while getting rubbed up on by large men?!), but I couldn't help but think about all the other countries in the world who would be mourning/cutting themselves if their country had lost. My fellow frat frat brothers and I all moped about after the game, but honestly, I was happy snappy a few hours later. Thus, I must declare that should America have won the World Cup (definitely not talented enough yet for that, but dream with me), I actually would've been pretty pissed.

Porqua, you ask? Because! America is good at freaking everything, except soccer. The WORLD has soccer on US. For us to take that away - take that one sport, that one (of few?) unifying symbol of nationalistic pride and culture - for our country's glory, would be so terribly unfair. Americans do not love soccer as much as the world does. We have a long way to go from our AYSO, soccer-mom view on the sport. Trust, we have talent, but we're simply not there yet...

So, ICH LIEBE DEUTCHLAND! I hang your colors proud in my car, Germany, and I thank my 2006 experience in Europe during World Cup for that.

That's all for now, folks! And by folks, I mean all the Chinese people who are posting comments on my blog in Chinese. Who ARE you? Do I know you? And I can't read Chinese! Oy, vey!